"Yakuza 0" spielt 1988/89 in einem fiktionalen Tokyo. Dabei übernimmt man abwechselnd Kazuma und Goro in den Hauptrollen. Es ist unglaublich lustig, sexy, bunt, laut und frisch. Allerdings auch extralang in der Spielzeit. Wir fanden dennoch, es gehört zu den besten der Serie. Wir mussten es einfach durchspielen, daher enthält die Galerie auch Spoiler
"Yakuza 0" is set in 1988/89 fictionalised Tokyo where players take over the roles of Kazuma and Goro. This is incredibly funny, sexy, colourful and fresh. But also ultra long for playthrough. Nevertheless, we think it's one of the best of the whole series. We played it completely, so spoilers ahead.
976 Photos
"Yakuza 0" is set in 1988/89 fictionalised Tokyo where players take over the roles of Kazuma and Goro. This is incredibly funny, sexy, colourful and fresh. But also ultra long for playthrough. Nevertheless, we think it's one of the best of the whole series. We played it completely, so spoilers ahead.
976 Photos